Building a Laptop to Serve the Modern End User

As computing tasks for both home and office get more power-intensive, from streaming video to data-intense calculation, optimizing for power efficiency and long battery life has become more essential. 

AMD is solving the battery life dilemma (power vs. performance) by optimizing power management and battery life for a variety of diverse workloads rather than a precise focus on one specific use case scenario. 

Since any particular user’s experience with battery life is unique to how they use their laptop, the goal is delivering best in-class battery life for a large variety of scenarios.

Although designing and developing desktop and mobile processors is extremely challenging, the complexity of power management is not. The primary low-power metric for desktop PCs is compliance with regulatory standards such as Energy Star and California Energy Commission. Here, engineers only have to optimize for the easiest-to-achieve low idle power mode. 

A laptop/mobile processor is significantly more complex, however, when it comes to balancing performance versus power. Speed is still required, but more attention has to be paid to power consumption for not just the processor itself, but all adjacent system components. 

Interested in learning more about AMD’s innovations around battery life? Click here to download the entire white paper. 

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