Dipping a ball in titanium tetrachloride to make the world’s smokiest ball

This guy bought some titanium tetrachloride which basically turns into white smoke when exposed to air and decided to soak a ball in it to make the world’s smokiest ball.

A few weeks ago, I bought some titanium tetrachloride which, I heard is one of the most obnoxious chemicals. When exposed to air, almost immediately, a bunch of white smoke starts pouring out. This is a mixture of hydrochloric acid and titanium oxides, which form as the titanium tetrachloride reacts with the oxygen and moisture in the air. What I’ve always wanted to do, was try and soak a super ball in it.

I couldn’t tell you if it’s the world’s smokiest ball, but it’s definitely smoky. Although if they were going for stinkiest I could’ve saved them the trouble because I’ve got the world record in my pants.

Keep going for the full video. It’s as satisfying as the image suggests.

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